
The OPQIBI is the Engineering Qualification Body. 

The OPQIBI was formed on 3rd January 1969, on the initiative of 3 Engineering trade associations: the CINOV, French Chamber of Engineering and Consulting, SYNTEC-INGÉNIERIE, the Engineering Trades

Federation and the SNITA, the National Development Engineers and Technicians Association.

The OPQIBI issues qualification certificates to companies providing primary or secondary engineering services in the following sectors :

  • Building
  • Infrastructures
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Industry
  • Leisure - Culture – Tourism


An independent body 

  • a non-profit making association (law of 1901),

  • with protocols signed with the Ministries of Sustainable Development and Industry,

  • in which everyone concerned by the qualification granted is represented (operates on the "peer" principle) and divided into 3 colleges : A (customers), B (engineering services companies) and C (institutional and general interest bodies) all of whom have the same number of votes.

The requirements that the OPQIBI has to meet to manage its qualification system consistently and reliably are defined in AFNOR standard NF X50-091, relating to the functioning of qualification bodies.


Governing bodies

OPQIBI operation is governed by the following bodies :

  • A general meeting,

  • A board of directors and a committee,

  • A higher commission that examines appeals lodged by applicants or qualified structures, or complaints lodged by third parties,

  • 7 qualification committees that issue the qualification certificates. These committees comprise investigators and members who are professionals acknowledged for both their ethics and their skills in the field of activity being qualified,

  • An Application and Development Group that manages changes in the list of qualifications.

Finally, a general secretariat handles the continuity, the day-to-day management and the promotion of the association.


A stringent qualification process

In accordance with standard NF X50-091, the OPQIBI bases its granting of qualifications on :

  • a qualifications list that is regularly updated and that defines the technical content of the work or services corresponding to the various qualifications.

  • a reference system defining the requirements that have to be met by applicants, and detailing all the substantiations that have to be submitted, to support applications.

  •  objective and stringent procedures for the granting, follow-up and renewal of qualifications.

Download the English version of the OPQIBI information brochure     


Derniéres Actualités

L’OPQIBI au salon POLLUTEC les 26 et 27 novembre 2024 à Paris Porte de Versailles

14 Octobre 2024

L’OPQIBI sera partenaire du salon POLLUTEC, le rendez-vous des leaders du secteur de l'environnement et de l'énergie, qui se déroulera les 26 et 27 novembre 2024 à Paris Expo Porte de Versailles.

En savoir plus

L’OPQIBI partenaire du Salon de la Copropriété et de l’Habitat les 6 et 7 novembre 2024 à Paris

08 Octobre 2024

L'OPQIBI est partenaire du Salon de la Copropriété et de l’Habitat, qui se tiendra les 6 et 7 novembre 2024 à Paris Porte de Versailles.

En savoir plus

Patrick BERGER élu Président de l’OPQIBI

13 Juin 2024

Patrick BERGER, 55 ans, Ingénieur territorial, actuellement Directeur du Pôle Biodiversité Paysages Agroécologi

En savoir plus

104, rue Réaumur - 75002 Paris

Tél. : 01 55 34 96 30